Domestic Violence Lawyer in Sacramento, CA
Facing domestic violence accusations can be incredibly distressing and highly personal. These allegations can lead to severe disruptions in your life, evoking negative reactions from your community and friends. Consequences of a conviction can range from losing contact with your children, acquiring a criminal record, to incurring substantial fines and potential jail time. In such daunting circumstances, it can be hard to know who to turn to.
If you find yourself embroiled in accusations of domestic violence, aligning yourself with a lawyer experienced in handling delicate family cases is crucial. Philip McCarthy stands out as a proficient and empathetic domestic violence lawyer who zealously represents clients in Sacramento and Placer Counties. From hearings concerning restraining orders to criminal proceedings, Philip’s Domestic Violence Law Office is dedicated to staunchly defending your rights and interests.
Partner With A Credible Domestic Violence Lawyer You Can Rely On
Under California law, domestic violence is defined as any form of abuse inflicted on an intimate partner. An “intimate partner” can include a current or past dating partner, spouse, fiancé, or a live-in romantic partner, also known as a “cohabitant.” In these contexts, “abuse” includes harm or threats of harm. Such offenses can be charged as “domestic battery” PC 243(e)(1) or Corporal Injury to a Spouse or Cohabitant PC 273.5.
Domestic violence offenses may be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the specifics of the incident. Convictions may lead to mandatory jail time, significant fines, compulsory domestic violence counseling, temporary restraining orders, and other penalties.
Facing A Domestic Violence Charge? Schedule Your Free Initial Consultation Today
When you are facing severe penalties and your future is at stake, it’s crucial that you partner with a qualified domestic violence lawyer. Attorney Philip McCarthy understands just how frightening it can be to face these charges. When you work with him, he takes on your concerns as his own, and fights aggressively in order to protect your best interests. It is ultimately his goal to provide you with a positive outcome and to make sure that your side of the story is heard.
If you are facing a domestic violence charge, give The Law Office of Philip McCarthy a call. Schedule your free initial consultation with Mr. McCarthy today by calling (916) 442-8298.
If you have been accused of tax fraud or insurance fraud, you could be facing severe penalties. Philip McCarthy will dedicate his personal attention to your defense.
Regardless of the offense, a criminal conviction can have long-lasting and far-reaching consequences. Get experienced and assertive defense representation from us.
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